Sri Vijaya Visakha Milk Producers Company Ltd (Visakha Dairy) was established in the year 1973 under Co-operative Societies Act and commissioned dairy plant at Akkireddipalem, Visakhapatnam with 50,000 LPD handling capacity in the year 1977.
With the introduction of MACS Act in 1995 by A.P State Government, Visakha Dairy was converted in to the said Act in the year 1999 and registered as “Sri Vijaya Visakha District Milk Producers Mutually Aided Cooperative Union Ltd”. To fulfil the growth aspirations while retaining cooperative ideology as core principles of governance, Visakha Dairy got converted into Producer Company with effect from 06 Jan 2006 under the name and style of “Sri Vijaya Visakha Milk Producers Company Limited”. This could be possible with the initiative taken by Government of India to enable co-operatives grow & operate on competitive platform, introduced Companies (Amendment) Act 2002, cooperative form of enterprises known as Producer Companies that can be registered under Part IXA of the Companies Act 1956.
Visakha Dairy is one of the fastest growing Milk & Milk Products Manufacturing Company having plants at Visakhapatnam and Rangampeta (EG) in Andhra Pradesh. Both the plants are equipped with the State of the Art Technology and are ISO 22000:2005 certified. Presently both the plants have capacity to handle upto 9 Lakh litres per day.
Visakha Dairy manufactures all variants of Dairy Products viz. Fresh Milk, UHT, Extended Shelf Life Milk, Aseptic Flavoured Milk, Curd, Cream, Butter Milk, Lassi, Dhood peda, Badam Burfi, Milk Cake, Mysore Pak, Kalakand, Mistidoi, Ghee, Low Cholesterol Ghee , Panner, Butter, SMP, Yoghurt etc and sold in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Orrissa and Chattisgarh markets. Company crossed turnover of Rs.1000 crore with CAGR of 14%.
Established Training Centre and imparting training to farmers in the areas of clean milk programme, Nutritional aspects, Fodder requirements and Animal Health Care. Attaching importance to animal health, established 633 Veterinary Health Centres equipped with required infrastructure, staff and supplying the required veterinary medicines at 50% subsidy. Necessary Infrastructure created to improve breed development thru Artificial Insemination with successful cross breed semen imported from National Dairy Development Board, Goushala. 7 Mobile Veterinary Service Vehicles equipped with medicines accompanied by veterinary doctors extends services covering more than 25 villages every day.
Cattle feed plants with more than 400 MT per day of feed capacity are organized and supplying cattle feed to farmers at subsidized rates.
To improve quality and reduce risk of spoilage, logistics, constructed more than 100 Bulk Milk Cooling Centres covering every 10 kms radius. All the bulk coolers together has a total capacity of 906,000 litres and are automated.
Milk Powder Plant with capacity of 13MTPD was constructed in the year 1998 to convert surplus milk into Skimmed Milk Powder in the flush season.
Constructed Aseptic Packing Station in the year 2001 with a capacity of 30,000 litres per day for UHT milk production and expanded to 3.0 lakh litres per day capacity in 2015. Visakha Dairy enjoys 10% market share in UHT Milk on pan india basis. Visakha Dairy sells Milk, Cream, Flavoured Milk in UHT segment and planning Milk Shakes shortly.
As a green field initiative and to overcome power crisis, commissioned 2 Solar power plants in record time one with a capacity of 1.15 MW at Visakhapatnam and 1.65 MW capacity at Vizianagaram for captive usage.
Visakha Dairy is giving employment opportunity to more than 2000 employees including contract labour.
Visakha Dairy thru its Milk Producers Educational Health and Medical Welfare Trust are extending Medical services to farmers and their families at subsidised rates in the 400 bed Modern Hospital constructed with 70 crores investment apart from education to the farmers children, preference to producers children in employment, irrigation projects, culverts, kalyanamandapams, bridges, canals etc.
Visakha Dairy is growing consistently and paying remunerative procurement price to milk producers. Visakha Dairy aims procurement of 10 Lakh litres per day and turnover of Rs.2000 crores by the year 2020.